Monday, May 4, 2009

KTM: thoughts and pics.

Kathmandu is a dust storm. A frenzied pulse. A spectrum of colours. Hindi and Buddhist threads weave a rich fabric. The traffic burps. There is a steady stream of horns from the cars & bikes. Pedestrians wear masks to avoid choking on the exhaust & dust. Livestock get the right of way.

A river runs through Old Kathmandu. It resembles more of a liquid garbage dump than water. A sludge of methane coats the suface. The pennyless sift amongst the riverbanks for any potential value. The bridge which crosses the river boasts a local market: fruit & vegetables spread on carpets next to Khukuri knives and children crawling out of their mothers arms.

The city is frantic. The city is fluid.

(a few random shots through KTM).


  1. you sure have a nack for words
    the pics are fantastic
    very sludgey water.
    great people shots
    love ya

  2. your mix of sincerity, improper verbalism, and utter gayness is astounding. Hope you're enjoying the Razor's Edge experience there Somerset.... Call me when you're back in Canadia.
