Saturday, April 18, 2009


I am currently in a small bangkok hotel; close to the airport. My connecting flight to Kathmandu is in 8hrs. I'm poaching wifi and recharging some batteries. Just dumped some photos from the D90 onto my laptop to clear some space on the memory stick; just in case I fill 8gb with shots of the mountains. 

There has to be a certain degree of truth in most cliches otherwise they wouldn't be repeated and never become, well, cliche.  I am a believer that things genuinely do happen for a reason and whatever does happen you must look forward and figure out how you can turn it in your favour. 

Two months ago, I was asked to resign from MS.  The following 60 days have been fantastic. Certainly wouldn't trade them to be grinding it out on the desk.  I have had a heap of fun and the journey has really just begun. 

I have encountered two responses to my unemployment; both polar opposites: get back in the saddle and find a job or travel and ride that horse into the sunset.  I am of the latter camp. Clearly. 

I find it difficult to convince myself that I need a job at the present time.  I am 27, debt free with no kids.  Such a period of time is limited. To do anything else but travel and explore would be foolish, but again thats just my view. 

Thus, I have purchased an around the world business class ticket. I have 12 months to travel 39,000 miles.  All departure times are flexible, but I have outlined my destinations: TKY --> Nepal --> Vancouver --> Toronto --> Santiago, Chile --> B.A., Argentina --> Jburg, S.Africa --> Mumbai, India --> Singapore --> HK --> TKY. 

Tomorrow I arrive in Kathmandu. I have never been there prior. I have arranged for a 25day trek through eastern Nepal followed by a short trip into Tibet. 

I wander and wonder one day at a time.

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