Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm currently in Phakding, Nepal; day three of my 20 day trek. Haven't showered in 5 days, but feeling very fresh.

Nepal is an interesting country. Very poor. Incredibly remote. The people in the mountains have very warm hearts and are tough as nails. The porters carry loads up to 80kg all day (and in some cases through the night). Its necessary. Its their livelihood.

After a few audibles (road strike in Jiri and a couple cancelled planes), I have decided to take a route up towards Everest Base Camp, through Cho-la pass, up to Gokyo and back down to Lukla. The mountain passes will be up at 5,500m range. I've only been up near 5,000m in Peru. The air was skinny, but wasn't an issue was I slept well below that mark. We will have a number of nights above 5,000m on this trek.

I am accompanied by a guide, Raj, and a porter, Kuntcha. We have made good ground our first few days: 7-9hrs of hiking the lowlands. We missed a day due to a cancelled flight and ultimately hopped a plane which dropped us in a town 2days below our original start point; thus, we are 3days 'behind' schedule. Its all relative. Not an issue.

Ok, the power was just switched off in town. Managed to boot back up quickly, but i'll sign off for now. Have internet tomorrow, but then likely sparse until the end of the trail on May 7th when I'm back in KTM. Have arranged a 7 day trip into Tibet. Will drive from KTM on May 9th.

Off for dinner. Dhal Baht (lentil curry and rice). They have a rule: unlimited plates of Dhal Baht. All other food is served as a single portion only. Its funny, after every meal Raj always looks at me and askes if I have a "Full Tank."

Life is pretty basic. Active. Eating. Sleeping. No complaints.

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