Friday, April 24, 2009

So, Everest.

Today's hike was a modest 5hrs; mostly uphill. Made it to Namche by noon. There is a decent circuit of trekkers through here. Some heading back after getting here; most keen to push up towards Everest Base Camp. Regardless, this tiny mountain village has to be one of the most remote markets around. Porters will carry their wares for days to sell it here. Suppose it makes sense as everything - except those born here - has been carried in on a porters back. It's tough enough making up carrying just a day pack.

Most of the electricity is from hydroelectric. Lots of run-off from the mtn glaciers feeding the waterfalls and rivers. Have noticed a few spots with solar panels; far more at less remote spots. Seems like the ideal spot for wind turbines, but we'll have to get Ben Kerl on the case.

Oh, so I saw Everest today. Could see the huge southern face lit up by the early morning sun. Rather humbling at 8,800m. Will get a straight glance at the North Face from Gokyo in about a weeks time.

I'm starting to feel like Bill Murray in 'What About Bob.' Baby steps across the bridge. Baby steps past the sherpas carrying 80kg. Baby steps over that next mountain pass... Heel to Toe on the uphills.

It all gets higher and more remote from here. Signing off from the doorstep to the roof of the world.


  1. Kerl's on the case. Keep up the biz development and we'll compare notes this summer!

  2. can't wait to see afew pics of the most amazing trip
    love MOM
