Thursday, December 3, 2009


On the road I am met by curious glances that are often held to stares. Faces stern and searching and at times intimidating. However, I am humoured how quickly they explode into accepting smiles, contagious to one offered first.  India is filled with prying eyes. Pivoting heads, following your path, which morph into tilting bobble heads if you shake first.

Mumbai is madness.


I am currently in Mumbai, India. I arrived two days ago and have been exploring the city since. Staying in Colaba in a dodgy guest house for 600 rupees a night. Making my way up to Udaipur tomorrow with a buddy of Matt's nicknamed Scrappy. Should be entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. it was wiorth the wait for this blog addition.
    fasinating honey.
    wonderful pics and commentary.
    would love to see you kite surfing with matt sometime.
    stay safe
    love MOM
