Monday, October 5, 2009


I've been in Buenos Aires for the past 10 days. Its a great city and a fun blend of cosmopolitan charm and urban grime. I've wanted to come here for so long and am glad that I finally made it. Even happier to be spending more than a month here and have a chance to connect with the city and explore. 

It's weird, but just about every rumoured cliche I had heard about Buenos Aires is true: the architecture is impressive, the steak tender, the woman stunning, the leather soft and men rock mullets. 

I had not however been warned about the dog's, nor their feces. Its common sight to see a dog walker, paseadores de perros , leading a pose of 5 to 10 leashed mutts. Apparently the pay is decent, but there's not a chance you're going to scoop the poop of 10 dogs each day. No chance. As a result, the streets are peppered with shit. Dog shit everywhere. Worse than Paris. 

Simply walking down the street I feel like Matty-Matty doing his late night hop-scotch 'Stomp, Stomp, Stuffle-step.' I'm working on my dogshit radar so I can stroll the sidewalks and look woman in the eyes without having her smile back because I just stepped in poo. Imagine that!? Man, stepping in poo sucks. 

Thankfully, it hasn't happened to me yet, but I did see a giant douche with a rat's tail mush into a fresh pile. I couldn't help it, i laughed. Just seemed so appropriate. 

Why doesn't English have a word like Schadenfreude? Saying, "to laugh at one's misfortunes" isn't the same.

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