Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have just returned from my first experience with Tango. I'm humbled and impressed. I'm not sure what I thought of it prior, but I'm quite sure it was a dismissive scoff. I likely viewed it as effeminate. I have now changed my mind. 

Men lead. Woman add flare. Its fluid. At moments, slow and deliberate, while quick and spontaneous for the balance. 

Most of the woman wore heels, flowing dresses and leggings underneath. One wore a short ruffled skirt, stilettos and black stockings with a dark seam which ran up the back of the leg. Likely one of the most attractive things I've seen. 

One guy with equal confidence and talent sported leather soled white & black pimp loafers. Dancing shoes. All class. 

There will be a second visit.

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