Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I feel distinguished. Simultaneously: Reputable, Classy & Strong.

Its humbling what a handlebar moustache does for a man's honour and ego. I am unassailable. 

"You will 'Shhhh' when I speak."

Take notice of the fine cultivation. Observe the freedom around the edges hinting at great exploration. Stoic. Unfettered by the noise of emotion. Steadfast in stride.

Most stare in astonished admiration. They are intrigued by the shear manliness of man. 

The unconverted quickly quib amongst themselves, "Creepy." 

Yes, creepy indeed. Quit starring. Its okay to touch, to play. Come a little closer. You are simply stumped by an ignorance. Its natural. Let yourself be hoisted to magnificent heights by the tantalizing Moustache Ride. 

One day my fair dame, one day. 


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