Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dream job for slack-jawed interweb jockey (Buenos Aires)

On my first jaunt to Craigslist I came across an interesting job. Figured I'd share both it and my application.

Dream job for slack-jawed interweb jockey (Buenos Aires)

NEEDED: obsessive social networking stalker/soft porn enthusiast for contract research job. Must have an easy facility with all social networking sites and basic blogging/website building skills. An affinity for slutty absurdist images is a requirement. 

So, if you have some time on your hands, a snarky sense of humor and always thought it would be cool to get paid for looking at hot girls on the Internet, send us a resume and a quick note. 

Work at home - moderate pay - must have own computer and fast Internet connection. 

My Application:

I introduced Rick James to savvy and Ferris Bueller to slacking. Those are merely two examples of my excellent abilities. I warn you, I have mad skills. I've also been known to enjoy soft core smut, especially from the '70's (high gloss print and untamed bush). 

I digress. 

I'm pretty excellent. Incredibly motivated. Extremely competent in most subjects containing the letters a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y, but only sometimes.

i blog. it is only moderately inappropriate. 

oh, I also have a moustache. its more or less brilliant. 

what have you got going on?


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