Friday, September 25, 2009

Granma, please don't watch this...

** Warning: the following content is both shocking and inappropriate. Perhaps best to skip to the next posting. **

I was at a dinner party last night. Rolling sushi and meeting new people in BA. Music was being played from a laptop. I put on a new music video that the room hadn't seen. Cool. Normal stuff. Another guy followed up with a VBS (Vice TV) link. I was shocked. I felt I should share this.

Apparently along the northern coast of Columbia some men have their first sexual encounter with a donkey. During puberty the doctors prescribe it. They claim it helps develop size. It has morphed into an accepted ritualistic right of passage.

B.S., right!? Nope. If you are of the I'll only believe it if I see it camp, then click on the link. Unbelievable. 

"its just a different way of seeing sex, a different way of looking at it..."

- what? excuse me? no. no, thats definitely not correct.

** I took the above picture in Palermo, BA. Donkey graffiti. Seemed relevant. **

1 comment:

  1. As I've come to learn, "inappropriate" is a subjective term. But since it's your blog, you get to be as subjective as you want. While I in no way condone the practice of carrying out sexual relations with donkeys, goats, any member of the equine family, or, really, any member of any species other than homo sapiens (which means that Essex girls are largely excluded), regardless of the potentially positive penile enhancing effects, it may be that one man's inappropriate is another man's Friday night date. I say live and let live. I only hope that I don't come back as a donkey in an obscure part of Colombia in the next life. And if I do, I truly hope that by that time, there'll be a little more emotional commitment shown by the adolescent (and older) males to their sexual partners. Because really, this whole "shag you, ride you back home, tie you up outside, and feed you some oats" thing is really quite demeaning to both sexes- of any species.
