Wednesday, September 9, 2009


i'm heading south today.

going for a last day of skiing up at Termas de Chillan. Sky still clear and the sun is shining. no new snow over the past couple of days, but its still soft and easy to find good lines. 

after skiing i'll be embarking on what will a long journey south. ultimately, i want to make it all the way down to Tierra del Fuego and to Ushuaia (world's southern most city). It will involve a 12 hour night bus from Chillan to Puerto Montt. I'll have the day to check out the sleepy port town before boarding a cargo ship called the NaviMag.  The ship leaves Puerto Montt on Friday afternoon and makes its way through the inlet fiords of Patagonia before heading out into the open waters for a couple of days and ultimately docking at Puerto Natales in Tierra del Fuego. The NaviMag is a cargo liner that got smart to the fact that tourists want to make their way south, but without paying a huge Carnival type cruiser fee. They have a few classes, but there is no mistaking you are on a boat with livestock & grain. I'll be bunking in a CC class room for a couple hundred dollars; not bad for 3 days/nights, meals and transportation.

The real journey will begin in Puerto Natales. If you take a look on a map there certainly is no direct route to Ushuaia. We've checked out a few options, but aren't entirely sure the buses that we want to take even run during the winter months. Hoping there is a bus from Puerto Natales to Puerto Arenas. Then hoping to catch a ferry from Areans to Porvenir. From Porvenir we'll have to find a bus down to Ushuaia. 

The skiing down there is supposed to be fun. Further south means quality cold dry snow, but also lower altitude glade skiing. 

More to follow, but may be a few days before I poach any wifi.

Have a look at the map. Its pretty far south and fairly remote.


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