Monday, September 14, 2009

Puerto Montt

Spent a day in Puerto Montt (PM) before embarking on the journey south. PM is port town of 110,000 where sea life is the only life. The city horseshoes the coast and sits in the shadow of a giant Cross, which is said to bless all the passing ships.  Calloused hands repair boat hulls and untangle nets on the shore. The fish market starts to buzz in the early morning. Skiffs run supplies to the stationed crews and tugs ferry large takers from port. Bars solicit patronage of landed sea crew with names like 'Salon Lady Night' & 'Bar-Rest Pasiones.' 

We watched as the city got drunk by noon. 

I figured it was the appropriate town to shoot a whiskey and shave the beard. Kept the moustache though. Its pretty sweet, in a foul way, and starting to curl up at the edges. Figured with first impression being so important that I had to sport it for the boat ride south, down into Ushuaia and for Buenos Aires. 

Pictures of PM:

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